Around the issues of pregnancy and conception St. Francis affirms life!
PLEASE come PRAY WITH US AT PLANNED PARENTHOOD on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month!
We are the St. Francis Prayer Team in support of the 40 Days For Life. Sign-up here!

VOTE: Make it easy to sort through the candidates and issues before you enter the voting booth, see Bridge Michigan…
We recognize the heroes! Great courage and grace is shown by all women who choose life—in the face of fear, uncertainty, parental or partner intimidation, seemingly insurmountable odds, especially in cases of rape—make them today’s heroes, whose self-giving love is transforming our culture. And, these heroes are not alone, but are joined by the many who counsel, support, and nurture them both before and after the birth of their child. Such self-giving love is heroic. Become a hero. Consider supporting as a volunteer or financially some of these organizations and activities:
This FINDER MAP for Pro-Life Mission Partner Organizations in SE Michigan is to help connect parishes and individuals.
Pray For The Legal Protection of Unborn Children at Mass in St Francis Church, Ann Arbor.
- Catholics are called to promote the common good, participate in the democratic process and become informed about how our elected officials are representing our republic and our state. An easy way to stay informed is to join the Catholic Advocacy Network, where the Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) provides updates on issues important to the common good, which are represented by the principles of Catholic social teaching. The Catholic Advocacy Network also allows participants to email their elected officials in a simple way about bills moving through the Michigan Legislature. To make your voice heard, and to join with Catholics across the state promoting justice and dignity for all, I would encourage you to sign-up for the Catholic Advocacy Network at
Let Them Live – – is both an advocacy organization with lots of opportunities to help, and testimonies to inspire our support and help for moms! No mom should have to choose between paying her bills or her baby’s life. “Let Them Live” has helped many moms with: rent, utilities, groceries and more. (Learn more here.)
Our Bishops’ said in the 1998 statement, Living the Gospel of Life,
“Abortion and euthanasia have become preeminent threats to human life and dignity because they directly attack life itself, the most fundamental good and the condition for all others,”
– United States Catholic Conference, Living the Gospel of Life #5
In other words we must first guarantee a persons right to live. Then we can also help that person get the necessary food, clothes and education.
Pray for an End of Abortion
In abortion One Heart Stops and Another Heart Breaks. Please pray for healing for the living victims of abortion especially the moms, dads, siblings and grandparents.
The Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) – Catholic Legislative Advocacy Network — Michigan Catholic Conference — youtube video.
Women deserve support and care, not abortion. At any time, each of us can support women in difficult or unexpected pregnancies by donating to our local pregnancy center or learning about foster care and adoption. The following local organizations here in Washtenaw County offer services like: free pregnancy testing, ultrasound, pregnancy options counseling, material resource referrals, newborn adoption, foster care, waiting child adoption.newborn adoption, foster care, waiting child adoption, after abortion recovery support. Arbor Women’s Center (734-994-8863) & Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County (734-971-9781) & Family Life Services / Pregnancy Counseling Center (Call or text: 734.219.5252) (Call: 734-434-3088).
Pregnancy Help & Pregnancy Resources
Also, see our parish pregnancy resources page here!

Pregnant? We Care. We Listen