Daily Schedule:
Preschool: 8:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Grades K through 8: Opening 8:00 a.m. Report to school – Prepare for Day
8:10 a.m. Tardy Bell
Dismissal 3:15 p.m.
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Allergy Plan:
Please click on the link to access our Allergy Plan.
Severe Weather Condition Emergency School Closings:
In case of severe weather conditions, notices of school closings can be found on the school office telephone line and local media stations. St. Francis School usually follows the Ann Arbor Public School system regarding closings due to weather conditions. For school families, SchoolMessanger also issues a telephone call and text to contact numbers listed by each family.
Report Cards and Grading
Reports cards are sent home four times a year at the end of each 9- to 10-week quarter. Written grades are given to keep students and parents aware of performance. Report cards also evaluate effort and conduct.
Students in grades kindergarten through third receive grades of E (Exceeds Expectations), G (Good), S (Satisfactory), and N (Needs Improvement).
Students in grades fourth through eighth receive letter grades. The grading scale, set by the Diocese of Lansing, is as follows:
A 100-92% B 91-82% C 81-72% D 71-62% F 61% and lower
Honor Roll
A quarterly honor roll is composed of those students in grades 6 to 8 with all A’s and B’s on their report card. Each June, a variety of awards are presented to all eligible students in grades five through eight.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are held twice a year, after each of the first two marking periods (November and January). In November all parents, grades PreK to sixth, choose a time with their student’s homeroom teacher. January conferences are scheduled as teachers or parents deem necessary.
Each of the seventh- and eighth-grade teachers is available to meet with parents both in November and January. Students are encouraged to accompany their parents.