The Mustang Connection
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School’s Newsletter
The Mustang Connection newsletter is distributed to alumni and friends of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School by mail and is available, upon request, by email. This 4-page newsletter connects you to school news, school and alumni events and much more. In the summer of 2017, the Mustang Connection newsletter merged with the parish Canticle to streamline production. Now, you can simultaneously enjoy parish and school news. The Mustang Connection newsletter will be included in the summer, winter, and spring issues of the parish Canticle. (The fall issue of the parish Canticle will include the parish Annual Report.)
See the most recent Mustang Connection Newsletter (included in the parish Canticle).
Mustang Connection Archive
2017 Summer (included in the parish Canticle)
2015 Winter Spring/Summer
2014 Winter Summer
2013 Winter Spring
2012 Spring
2011 Winter Spring Summer Fall
2010 Spring Summer Fall
2009 Summer Fall